Jack Monck

Born : March 14th, 1950
Past Bands : Brunos Blues Band (1968), Delivery (1969), Stars (1972), Rocksoff (1972-73), Radar Favourites (1974-75), Mike Khan Band (1974), Jon Owen Band (1975-77), Steve Miller Trio (1979), David Thomas & The Pedestrians (1984), That Uncertain Feeling (1985), Chan/Monck Group (1987), The Relatives (1988-91), Highly Irregulars (1993-94)
Current Band : MoMo (1995-now), The Relatives

A Short Bio:

1968-70 - I started playing bass guitar in Bruno's Blues Band with Steve Miller, Phil Miller and Pip Pyle. We met and gigged with Alexis Korner and did tours with Otis Spann and Lowell Fulsom. Later the band was called Delivery and Lol Coxhill and Carol Grimes joined.

1970-73 - Moved back to Cambridge from London and played in various local bands including a trio with Fred Frith and Chris Cutler (both of Henry Cow) and Stars with Syd Barrett (ex-Pink Floyd) and drummer Twink (ex-Pretty Things); started writing and performing my own material with collective group Rocksoff - Rusty Burnhill, George Bacon (gtr/voc), Dan Kelleher (gtr/pno/voc) and a succession of drummers, including Chris Cutler and Laurie Allan

1974 - Back in London Joined Radar Favourites with sax/flautist Geoff Leigh (ex-Henry Cow), played in pubs including Mike Khan Band with whom I went to Greece. Recorded own songs.

1975-7 - Played with Jon Owen Band (ex-Global Village Trucking Co.) in Suffolk while based and playing in London; Jon Owen (voc/gtr), John Roster (lead gtr), Gini Campbell (voc), Simon Stewart or Eric Peachey (drums)

1978 - Recorded compositions with old friend pianist Bill Gilliam and drummer Laurie Allan (ex-Gong, Robert Wyatt)

1979 - Played in improvising group with Steve Miller and Laurie Allan

1980-81 - Gigging with various London pub-rock bands, writing and recording own songs

1982 - Recorded with David Thomas (Père Ubu), Chris Cutler and Lindsay Cooper (both of Henry Cow). Tracks released on Rough Trade album "Variations on a Theme".

1983 - Recorded my album "Inside the Whale" (only a few cassette copies) with Pip Pyle on drums, Sue Ellery and Amy Chan on piano and Paul Westwater on guitar; gigging

1984 - Tour of Europe with David Thomas and the Pedestrians

1985 - Formed That Uncertain Feeling with Amy Chan, drummer Rick Bamford and guitarist Bob Brearley; recorded and gigged

1986-7 - Band continued as Chan/Monck Group with saxist Marc Hadley and drummer Gordon Wellard

1988 - Formed Relatives with Dutch friends Willem-Jan Droog, Kees Meijlink and Gert van Seters (keyboards, trombone and drums) and Marc Hadley; toured in Holland; started going to trombonist John Bennett's workshops; co-formed and played in London groups Don't Let That Horse Eat That Violin and Symphony Sid with trombonist Roland Bates.

1989-91 - Continued to compose and play in London, record "Relativity" and tour Holland with the Relatives

1992 - Recorded "Illuminations" at home - 11 of my own songs

1993-4 - Formed the Highly Irregulars with Geoff Leigh and percussionist Lahcen Lahbib; Recorded and gigged in London. Played in "Shakers" at Nottingham Playhouse

1995 - Co-formed MoMo with Lahcen Lahbib and later added mandolist Farid Nainia; live broadcast on GLR

1996-7 - Gigged extensively with MoMo in London and UK, including Leeds 'Rhythms of the City' festival, Hebden Bridge Trades Club among others

1998 - Continued working with MoMo and composing; started IMF course

1999 - Completed IMF course; played at Comic Relief gig Brixton, Nottingham City Festival among others with MoMo; started teaching at Colchester Institute

2000 - Played WOMAD festival with MoMo; continued recording and composing at home