Hugh Hopper

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19/10/1990, Hugh Hopper Band, La Clef, Saint Germain-en-Laye, France

1. Wanglosaxon
2. Rodilla (contains fragments of Spanish Knee)
3. Miniluv

Hugh Hopper - bass
Frank v/d Kooy - tenor sax, soprano sax
Dionys Breukers - keyboards
Patrice Meyer - guitar
Pieter Bast - drums

track 1 released on Passed Normal Volume 5 (Fot 1992 CD) and tracks 2-3 released on Hooligan Romantics (Ponk/Fot 1994 CD)

22/2/1991, Hugh Hopper Band, Bimhuis, Amsterdam, Holland

1. 2 P.M.
2. Partout
3. Golden Section

Hugh Hopper - bass
Frank v/d Kooy - tenor sax, soprano sax
Dionys Breukers - keyboards
Patrice Meyer - guitar
Pieter Bast - drums

released on Hooligan Romantics (Ponk/Fot 1994 CD)

29/2/1992, Hugh Hopper Band, De Spiegel, Groningen, Holland

1. Mais Non
2. Hi Fi Spanish Dreams
3. No Long Solos

Hugh Hopper - bass
Frank v/d Kooy - tenor sax, soprano sax
Dionys Breukers - keyboards
Patrice Meyer - guitar
Pieter Bast - drums

released on Hooligan Romantics (Ponk/Fot 1994 CD)

29/9/1992, Short Wave, New Morning, Paris, France
30/9/1992, Short Wave, l'Ouest Sur Grosne, Bresse, France
5/10/1992, Short Wave, Jazz Festival, Aeronef, Lille, France

1. The Fox (Miller)
2. Saiseyes (Pyle)
3. Frankly Speaking (Hopper)
4. The Balladin (Pyle)
5. 2 P.M. (Hopper)
6. Partout (Hopper)
7. Midnight Judo (Hopper)
8. Shuffle Demons (Hopper)
9. Nan True's Hole (Miller)
10. VZG (Malherbe)
11. Et Alors... (Malherbe)

Didier Malherbe - tenor sax, alto sax, soprano sax, flute
Phil Miller - guitar, guitar synthesizer
Hugh Hopper - bass
Pip Pyle - drums

released on Live (Gimini 1993 CD)

Sometime in 1992 (?), Hugh Hopper, sessions

1. The Painter's Birthday
2. Indeterminacy
3. Miniluv
4. First Trane
5. Elsewhere

Hugh Hopper - keyboards on 1, 2, 4, 5
John Atkinson - vocals on 1 & 2
Dionys Breukers - keyboards on 3

released on Hugh Hopper And Odd Friends (Voiceprint 1993 CD); tracks 1-2 released on Parabolic Versions (Voiceprint 2000 CD)

1/1993, Daevid Allen, Melbourne, Australia, sessions for "Twelve Selves" CD

1. Introdrone
2. Mystico Fanatico
3. Away Away Away
4. I Love Sex But
5. Collage/Bellyful of Telephone
6. She/Isis Is Calling
7. Wargasm
8. Collage Patafisico/Divided Alien Manifesto
9. Children Of The New World
10. O Wichitio
11. Sexual Blueprint
12. Gaia
13. My Heart's Song

Daevid Allen - vocals, guitar
Harry Williamson - guitar, keyboards
Adrian Rawlins - ?
Elisabeth Van Dort - ?
Arthur Brown - ?
Gilli Smyth - vocals
Hugh Hopper - vocal loops
Tasmin Smyth - ?
Evan Heaven - ?
David Tolley - ?
William Burroughs - vocals
Orlando Allen - ?
Douglas Le Bass - ?
Melody James - ?
Bee Williamson - ?
Sean Bowley - ?
Russel Hibbs - ?

released as Twelve Selves (Voiceprint 1993 CD)

Note: this album contains vocal loops from 1963 made by Hugh Hopper. He does not play on this album

22/5/1993, Oh Moscow, Lilian Baylis Theatre, London, Radio 3 Music in Our Time Recording

1. England Descending
2. The Allies
3. Lovers
4. Oh The Passing Of Time, Europe
5. Liberty Bonds
6. On German Soil
7. Curtain Descending
8. Prayer
9. Forgotten Fruit
10. Oh Moscow

Lindsay Cooper - alto sax, sopranino sax, bassoon
Alfred 23 Harth - tenor sax, clarinet
Phil Minton - trumpet, vocals
Hugh Hopper - bass
Veryan Weston - piano, keyboard
M. Nickolls - drums (?)

unreleased recording

31/5-4/6/1993 Hugh Hopper, Bresse-sur-Grosne, France

1. Moon In A Bottle
2. There You Were
3. Oldest Story Ever told
4. Judou
5. Cést Grace

Hugh Hopper - bass, keyboard on 5
Dionys Breukers - keyboards, percussion samples
John Atkinson - vocals, harmonica

released on Hooligan Romantics (Ponk/Fot 1994 CD); tracks 1-3 & 5 released on Parabolic Versions (Voiceprint 2000 CD)

Summer/fall 1993, Hugh Hopper, Canterbury, sessions for "Unsettled Scores" CD

Unna (Nick Didkovsky)

Hugh Hopper - cubase programming

released on Unsettled Scores (Cuneiform 1995 2CD)

Note: On Unsettled Scores Cuneiform artists cover other Cuneiform artists. Some artists covered Hopper tunes:

Phil Miller - Meccano Pelorus
David Borden - Miniluv
U Totem - Carousel, Dedicated to Hugh

Hopper Band in 1993 (ltr. Kim Weenhoff, Hugh, Patrice Meyer, Dionys Breukers, Frank v/d Kooij). Photo from Carousel booklet.

5/11/1993, Hugh Hopper Band, La Clef, St. Germain-en-Laye, France

1. Sinister Toilet
2. Carousel
3. Mais Non

Hugh Hopper - bass
Frank v/d Kooy - tenor sax, soprano sax
Dionys Breukers - keyboards
Patrice Meyer - guitar
Kim Weemhoff - drums

released on Carousel (Cuneiform 1995 CD)

11/11/1993, 25/1/1994, Conglomerate, The Premises, London, sessions for "Precisely The Opposite Of What We Now Know To Be True" CD

1. Candles
2. Vespers
3. Arthur's Paranoid Half Hour
4. Fridge of Flies
5. All Nice and Clean
6. Patterns
7. Position B
8. More Wine, Darling
9. Bertie Simply Refused to Grow
10. Perverted Foods

Steve Franklin - keyboards
Tim Crowther - guitar, guitar synthesizer
Steve Clarke - drums
Ted Emmett - trumpet
Hugh Hopper - bass

released as Precisely The Opposite Of What We Now Know To Be True (Progressive 1995 CD)

Hopper/Kramer 1997 (from "Huge" CD booklet)

15-19/1/1994, Hopper/Kramer, Noise, New Jersey, USA, sessions for "A Remark Hugh Made" CD

1. Free Will & Testament
2. A Streetcar Named Desire
3. We Can Work It Out (Lennon/McCartney)
4. The Twelve Chairs
5. This Island Earth
6. Superthunderstingercar
7. John Milton Is Dead
8. All In My Head
9. Sliding Dogs
10. His Wife For A Hat
11. Lenny Bruce Sings
12. His Hat For A Wife
13. Our Final Remark

Hugh Hopper - bass
Mark Kramer - piano, keyboards, organ, voices, tapes, guitar, percussion, bass on 3
Bill Bacon - drums, percussion
Robert Wyatt - vocals on 1
Gary Windo - posthumous tenor sax

released as A Remark Hugh Made (Shimmy Disc 1994 CD)

8/2/1994, Richard Sinclair, Astra Studio, Kent

1. Barefoot

Richard Sinclair - guitar
Hugh Hopper - bass
Pip Pyle - drums
Tony Coe - clarinet

released on R.S.V.P. (Sinclair Songs 1994 CD)

12-13/3/1994, Hugh Hopper Band, Elsewhere Studio, Whitstable, sessions for "Carousel" CD

1. Shuffle Demons
2. Lock, Stock And Barrel
3. Convincing The Squirrel
4. Lux Beta
5. Sliding Dogs
6. Soñar
7. Wax Longa

Hugh Hopper - bass
Frank v/d Kooy - tenor sax, soprano sax
Dionys Breukers - keyboards
Patrice Meyer - guitar
Kim Weemhoff - drums

released on Carousel (Cuneiform 1995 CD)

20/3/1994, Pip Pyle, Chennevières Studio, France

1. L'Etat Des Choses
2. Strawberry Fields Forever (Lennon/McCartney)


Hugh Hopper - bass, tapes
Pip Pyle - keyboards, percussion, tapes
Lydia Domancich - sampling assistance
Pierre Marcault - percussion

Barbara Gaskin - vocals
Dave Stewart - keyboards, programmes
John Greaves - vocals
Phil Miller - guitar
Michel Godard - tuba
Jean-François Canape - trumpet
Lydia Domancich - piano
Paul Rogers - double bass
Hugh Hopper - bass
Pip Pyle - keyboards, programmes, drums

released on Seven Year Itch (Voiceprint 8/1998 CD)

Hopper live with MASHU, sometime in 1998 © Jempi 1998

3/4/1994, Hopper/Hewins, Vortex, London

1. Vortex One
2. Vortex 3494

Hugh Hopper - bass
Mark Hewins - guitar

released on Adreamor (Impetus 1995 CD)

19-20/5/1994, 7-8/6/1994, 19-20/9/1994, 1-2/11/1994, 13-14/12/1994, Far Cry, Musart, London, sessions

1. Other Side Of The Coin
2. The Waiting Game
3. New World
4. Working On Rainy
5. More
6. Snap Out
7. So Sorry

Lisa Smith-Klossner - vocals
Mark Hewins - guitar
Hugh Hopper - bass

unreleased recordings

5-6/12/1994, Hopper/Hewins, Musart, London, sessions for "Adreamor" CD

1. Urban Fox
2. Lizard
3. Snake River
4. Adreamor
5. Hyte
6. Outerlude
7. Cuba Nota Hyte
8. Patagonian
9. Polynesia Rain

Hugh Hopper - bass
Mark Hewins - guitar

tracks 1-6 released on Adreamor (Impetus 1995 CD)

7-10/2/1995, Hugh Hopper, Elsewhere Studio, Whitstable

1. Kate Come Late
2. Red Poppies in the Corn
3. For Alan
4. Oyster Perpetual

Hugh Hopper - cubase programming, sampling
Patrice Meyer - guitar

Also on these recordings but probably from another session:

Lisa S. Klossner - vocals on 1, 2
Mic Gidon - guitar on 1, 2
Muriel Natale - vocals on 1, 2
Frank van der Kooy - sax on 2

tracks 1-2 released on Parabolic Versions (Voiceprint 2000 CD)

Hopper self-portrait, somewhere mid-nineties.

22-29/3/1995, Caveman Shoestore & Hugh Hopper, Sound Impressions, Portland, Oregon, USA, sessions for "Caveman Hughscore" CD

1. A Rabbit Or A Lemon
2. More Than Nothing
3. Maja Raja
4. Dee Dum
5. Scooter Trash
6. Dust My Mind
7. Splinter Cat/Edorian
8. A Small Seed
9. Dedicated To You, But You Weren't Listening
10. Virtual Cats
11. Oregon Transplant
12. Freak Control
13. Extra Lung
14. Sasquatch Elevator
15. Panic

Elaine Di Falco - piano, electric piano, accordion, vocals
Hugh Hopper - bass
Fred Chalenor - bass
Henry Franzoni - drums, vocals
Jen Harrison - French horn
Michael Stirling - didjeridu

released as Caveman Hughscore (Tim/Kerr 1995 CD)

Hugh Hopper by Jos Thommassen.

7-8/4/1995 MASHU, Travers, Brussels, Belgium
12/4/1995, MASHU, Ajagha, Ajaccio, France
13/4/1995, MASHU, Passage du Nord-Ouest, Paris, France
15-16/4/1995, MASHU, A l'Ouest de la Grosne, Bresse, France

1. Used To
2. Chariot
3. Sea Beyond
4. Jus De Peche
5. Elephant
6. Bell & Clay
7. Passage Thru NW
8. Afaiu
9. Chariot Reprise

Shyamal Maitra - percussion, midi devices
Hugh Hopper - bass, fuzzbox
Mark Hewins - guitar, midi devices
Elton Dean - Saxello on 7

released as Elephants In Your Head? (Voiceprint 1997 CD)

21/4/1995, Hugh Hopper & Robert Wyatt, Elsewhere Studio, England, session for "Was a Friend"

1. Was a Friend

Hugh Hopper - bass
Robert Wyatt - vocals

Note: The backing tape for C'est Grace (31/5-4/6/1993) was used for this recording.

Released on Parabolic Versions (Voiceprint 2000 CD)

29/5/1995, Gizmo, Astra Studio, Kent, sessions for "House With No Door"

1. House With No Door

Hugh Hopper - bass
D. Radford
Martin Reed
Nick Milton
Grant Matcham
Tony Rico

released on Eyewitness: A Tribute To Van Der Graaf Generator (Mellow 1995 CD)

11/9/1995, Hopper/Hewins/Pyle, Musart, London, sessions

3 improvisations

Hugh Hopper - bass
Mark Hewins - guitar
Pip Pyle - programmed drums

unreleased recording

30/9/1995, Kramer, Guilty, Tokyo, Japan

1. Still Alive
2. In Dreams
3. Wicked Game
4. Nine Minus Seven Is Two
5. The Secret Of Suicide
6. Stupid Summer
7. Hello Music
8. Welcome Home
9. I'm Your Fan
10. One So Black
11. Jealous Guy
12. I've Seen The End
13. Tracks Of My Tears
14. You Don't Know
15. Too Much Sleep
16. The Big Sell-Out

Mark Kramer - guitar, flute, vocals
Dogbowl - guitar, vocals
Steve Watson - guitar
Hugh Hopper - bass
Damon Krukowski - drums

released as Still Alive In '95 (Live In Japan) (Creativeman 1996 CD)

Sometime in 1995 (?), Brotherhood

tracks unknown

Musicians unknown

released as Pride (Virgin 1995 CD)

Note: rapalbum that contains samples from either Soft Machine - Volume I or II. Hopper does not play on this album

14-16/4/1996, Hopper/Kramer, Noise, New Jersey, USA, sessions for "Huge" CD

1. Huge
2. Ten Mile Mean Streak
3. Tall as the Empire State
4. Manchester '96
5. Waltz of the Big Brains
6. She's Everything Mr. H.
7. Einstein & Hawking
8. Celine's Final Breath
9. Texas is Huge
10. Terry Southern Blues

Hugh Hopper - bass
Mark Kramer - piano, organ, tapes, emulator
Damon Krukowski - drums, percussion

released as Huge (Shimmy Disc/Voiceprint 1997 CD)

1-6/5/1996, Hughscore, Seattle, USA, sessions for "HighSpot Paradox" CD

1. Miniluv
2. Against The Wheel
3. Baby Brother
4. High Spot Paradox
5. Otis Trout
6. Here They Come (contains samples of Facelift)
7. Lullaby
8. Upgrade
9. Bald Eagle At Carnation
10. Once Upon A Babysitter
11. 4 1/2
12. Last Word Tango

Hugh Hopper - bass, sampler
Elaine Di Falco - piano, synthesizer, accordion, vocals
Fred Chalenor - bass
Will Dowd - drums, percussion
Craig Flory - tenor sax, clarinet, bass clarinet
Jen Harrison - French horn
Wayne Horvitz - ring modulated keyboard on 8

released as HighSpot Paradox (Tim/Kerr 1997 CD)

28/2/1997, Dean/Hopper/Clarke/Knight, Delta Studio, Chartham, England, sessions for "The Mind In The Trees" CD

1. Leaves On The Line
2. Sank Evan
3. Lightening Up Time
4. Delta Rambling
5. Zep-Tepi
6. Polly's Hottie
7. The Utsk-Kutsk Ostinato
8. For Small Mercis
9. Wurlitzer Jungle

Elton Dean - alto sax, saxello
Francis Knight - keyboards, accordion
Hugh Hopper - bass
Vince Clarke - drums

released as The Mind In The Trees (Blueprint 1998 CD)

16/6/1997, Julian Whitfield, Delta Studios, Chartham, England, sessions

1. Skin
2. Nobody's Fault
3. Innocent

Julian Whitfield - guitar, vocals
Hugh Hopper - bass
Vince Clarke - drums

unreleased recording

CD-cover of "Different" (Voiceprint)

1/7/1997-21/12/1997, Hugh Hopper & Lisa S. Klossner, Delta Studio, Chartham, England, sessions for "Different" CD

1. Lying There
2. Pack Light
3. And The Rain Falls
4. 20th Year
5. The Story
6. Clouds
7. Dream Sequence
8. Was a Friend
9. Otherworld
10. Yr Protection
11. Strawberry Back
12. Come. Come
13. 20th Year (reprise)

Hugh Hopper - cubase programming, fuzz bass on 2,6,7,9,10, keyboards on 8, bass on 8
Lisa S. Klossner - vocals


Peter Cook - soprano sax on 1
Elton Dean - saxello on 2,3,11, alto sax on 4,6,12,13
Richard Carlile - guitar on 2
Christine Janet - sampled trumpet on 8
Chrystelle Blanc-Lanaute - flute on 8

released as Different (Blueprint 4/1999 CD)

Hugh Hopper by Simon Scamp.

9/8/1997-7/10/1999, Hugh Hopper & Lisa S. Klossner, Delta Studio, Chartham, England, sessions for "Cryptids" CD

1. As I Turn
2. Visitors
3. Still
4. Up For Air
5. Kissed & Stabbed
6. Hours in the Day
7. The Long Walk
8. Of Course
9. Called to Speak
10. I See You
11. The Night Must Fall

Hugh Hopper - cubase programming (except on 8,10), bass on 1,2,3,10,11, fuzz bass on 4,5,7,8, guitar on 1,2,4,5,10,11, samples on 10
Lisa S. Klossner - vocals


Frank van der Kooij - sampled sax on 1, street samples on1
Christine Janet - trumpet on 2, sampled trumpet on 10
Chrystelle Blanc-Lanaute - flute on 2,10
Robert Jarvis - trombone on 2,3,5
Peter Cook -sax on 2,4
Pip Pyle - drums on 3,4,5,6,7
Gary Smith - stereo guitar on 6,7,8,10
Julie Walkington - double bass on 9
Elton Dean - alto sax on 9
Frances Knight - piano on 11

released as Cryptids (Blueprint 2000 CD)

9/1997-9/1998, Hughscore, Delta, Chartham, England & Flora Avenue, Seattle, USA, sessions for "Delta Flora" CD

1. Was A Friend
2. Facelift
3. November
4. Ramifications
5. Robohop
6. Remind Me
7. Spacelift
8. Based On
9. Tokitae

Hugh Hopper - bass
Elaine Di Falco - electric piano, accordion, organ, synthesizers, vocals
Fred Chalenor - bass, guitar
Tucker Martine - drums, percussion


Craig Flory - tenor sax
Chrystelle Blanc-Lanaute - flute
Jon Hyde - steelguitar
Elton Dean - alto sax
Dave Carter - trumpet
Robert Jarvis - trombone

released as Delta Flora (Cuneiform 5/1999 CD)

20/2/1998, Hugh Hopper & Mic Gidon, Delta Studio, Chartham, England, session

1. Courselt
2. 5 Chimes
3. Minima 1
4. Minima 3

Hugh Hopper - cubase programming
Mic Gidon - guitar, vocals

unreleased recording

5-10/9/1998, Brainville, Knitting Factory & Knitnoise Studios, New York

1. March of the Goodbyes
2. The Revenge of Spartacus
3. The Children's Crusade
4. Alphaville Beach
5. Goobye Mother Night
6. The Killing
7. Useless by Moonlight
8. The Fall of Colonel Kong
9. The Revenge of Clare Quilty
10. Brain Villa Eclipse
11. Merkin Muffley's Lament

Daevid Allen - vocals, guitar
Mark Kramer - piano, organ, backing vocals, various other instruments
Hugh Hopper - bass
Pip Pyle - drums

released as The Children's Crusade (Shimmy Disc 22/6/1999 CD)

CD-cover of The Swimmer (Voiceprint)

15/10/1998, Ponsford/Knight/Hopper/Clarke, Delta Studios, Kent, sessions for "The Swimmer"

1. Scat Up A Tree
2. Nine Lives
3. True Story
4. Triple fff
5. Uszibarasc
6. Vinnie Goes To Trinni
7. Tongue In Groove
8. Geisterklavier
9. Boatwoman
10. In A Temperamental Mood
11. Crimson Lake
12. Underwater Scrabble
13. Tic Tac Original

Jan Ponsford - vocals
Frances Knight - keyboard, accordion
Hugh Hopper - bass
Vince Clarke - drums

released as The Swimmer (Voiceprint 2000 CD)

14/4/1999, Caravan, 15 Vernon Pl., sessions for "All Over You Too" CD

Hugh Hopper - bass on Ride

released on All Over You Too (HTD 9/1999 CD)

27/5/1999, Hugh Hopper, Delta Studio, Chartham, England, session

1. When I've Grown Old

Hugh Hopper - cubase programming, sampling
Frank van der Kooy - bass clarinet
Lisa S. Klossner - vocals

Note: vocals & cubase probably recorded at another session.

released on Parabolic Versions (Voiceprint 2000 CD)

7/10/1999 & 5/12/1999, Hugh Hopper/Virginia Tate, Delta Studio, Chartham, England, sessions

tracks unknown

Hugh Hopper - instruments

unreleased recording

1/11/1999, Lady June, Musart Studio, London, England, session for "Rebela"

track unknown

Hugh Hopper - bass

unreleased recording

31/1/2000, 1/2/2000, 5/3/2000, 16/5/2000, 23/6/2000, 26/6/2000, 4/7/2000 Hugh Hopper, Delta Studio, Chartham, England, sessions

1. Old Chrome Moon
2. Touched
3. Except
4. If No Enemy

Hugh Hopper - bass, loops on 4
Andy Ward - drums
Patrice Meyer - guitar on 2-4
Julian Whitfield - vocals on 1
R. Harvey - guitar on 1
Peter Cook - sax on 1
Robert Jarvis - trombone on 1
Chrystelle Blanc-Lanaute - flute on 4
Lisa S. Klossner - vocals on 2 & 4

unreleased recording

22/3/2000, Hopper & Friends, Gary Barnacle's, Streatham, sessions for "As Long As He Lies Perfectly Still"

1. As Long As He Lies Perfectly Still

Jakko Jakszyk - Vocals/Guitar
Dave Stewart - Keyboards
Hugh Hopper - Bass
Clive Brooks - Drums

to be released on a Canterbury Collection (Eagle Rock/BMG CD)

23/3/2000 & 25/5/2000, Maridadi Singers, St Gregory's, Canterbury, England, sessions

1. Singing My Way Free

Maridadi Singers - vocals
Sami Hammer - lead vocal
Hugh Hopper - bass

unreleased recording

Hugh Hopper live with MASHU in 1998. © Jempi '98

12-13/6/2000, Gary Smith/Shoji Hanu/Hugh Hopper, The Moat, Brixton, England, sessions for "Glass Cage" CD

1. Crash 2 (6:36)
2. Text (8:44)
3. Box Crushed Flat (5:04)
4. Gesture (3:07)
5. Crash 3 (6:05)
6. Wall Hitting Floor (8:22)
7. Construction (0:47)
8. Monument (10:25)
9. Rough Grey (5:07)
10. Crash 1 (9:18)

Gary Smith - stereo guitar
Hugh Hopper - bass
Shoji Hanu - drums, voice

released as Glass Cage (Paratactile 2001 CD)

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